Future of Healthcare in Australia

To state that the future of healthcare lies in the further influx of technology is very much stating the obvious. Over the decades of the twentieth century we have seen a great deal of technological advancements in all spheres of human life and this includes the medical, clinical and communication spheres. These advancements combined have greatly enhanced the levels of healthcare practice & delivery across Australia and of course through the rest of the world.
As we are now firmly into the 21st century, the pace of technological advancements is only gather further pace while their percolation into the mainstream hasn’t been more faster ever before. The opening of the first ever fully-integrated digital hospital in Queensland, Australia provides the proof of this, if such a thing was actually required.
Based on the past history and the present scenario, the future of the Australian Healthcare system therefore can be summarized in three parts as seen below:
- Going further & father
Healthcare providers now have the technology to reach the furthest populace. Various options such as - remote patient consulting and telemedicine facilities – have revolutionized the ability of delivering healthcare to the farthest ends of the geographical extremities. Patients can now consult with the doctors, despite being miles away from the clinic. With the use of technology hospitals and healthcare providers are now able to go further than they ever have been to reach that section of the populace which may have thus far been outside its net.
Improving communication facilities have allowed patients the option of being in touch with the hospital in multiple ways. Apps, widgets and social media provide for a whole new concept of patient-doctor relationship.
-       Integrated & Unified approach
As the entire Australian landmass stands at the cusp of being integrated into the National Broadband Network, the opportunities that lie ahead for the healthcare sector are innumerable. Patient data can be integrated and made available on a unified platform. Healthcare provides can access this data whenever there is a patient touch-point and offer better medical advice.
An integrated approach also helps reach patients with the right treatment plans, diagnostic measures and preventive measures. This ensures that the overall patient experience never diminishes.
-       Personalized Care
As more & more people are brought into the National Broadband Network, it allows for healthcare service providers to build personalized health solutions based on specific needs. Healthcare service providers can remain in touch with the patients and monitor their health on a periodic basis without the need for the patients to be visiting the clinic. This allows for service providers to prescribe personalized health care solutions which act as preventive procedures against certain diseases.
Advancements in the sphere of communication will unequivocally revolutionize the Australian healthcare sector, as hereto unseen!

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