Role of Business Phone Solutions in E-Commerce

For an online consumer, the customer helpline is a number he’d wish not to call – not for any other reason but for the fact that he’s like to have a seamless transition from discovering a product; understanding its features; adding it to the cart; checking out to buy it and then eventually receiving the same. Every customer would wish that however many number of times this cycle is repeated – each of the components work just as well and there are no glitches at all.

However, in the unfortunate but very likely scenario of any of the links of the process falling apart the customer may actually have to pick up the phone and dial in a customer service number, at which point he’s either none-too-happy or at worst is downright incensed.

The phone call that he makes to customer helpline then becomes the make or break event – either he’ll find a solution for whatever went wrong (thereby mitigating the anger and appreciating you for helping him out) or he’d end up being further infuriated and might actually abandon your e-commerce platform for good!

Certainly, the human element plays a great role in ensuring that the customer has a pleasant and profitable experience of having reached out to the contact centre. However, technology, in addition to the human factor, can play an ever greater role in ensuring the customer is not only satisfied but is impressed with the manner of his query being dealt and solutions provided.

Like all customers, and more so those in a less-than-happy mood, the expectation is that when a call is made to a contact centre it is answered promptly. A well-thought and executed PABX solution can go a long way in ensuring that your consumers will never have to wait excessively long in queues or go through an inane number of menu items before handled by the right representative.
In addition to prompt attention, the customer also expects the right attention. Understanding and accurate information being given such that his query is resolved. There is no point in a sales representative answering the phone if the customer is facing an accounting issue. Horses for courses, is the apt approach.

A PABX system helps you automatically divert calls to the relevant personnel and this not only helps the consumer receive the right response it demonstrates the enterprise’s attention to details.

As the caller in question is either a customer or a prospective one, companies are expected to have some level of data available on him or her for the reference of the contact centre representative. Arming the contact centre personnel with relevant customer information can be a great tool of building customer support. When the customer knows that you’re aware of him and his history of purchase/transaction, there is a greater trust factor.

Although, you might be just a small e-commerce enterprise. The benefits to be accrued from a well thought contact-centre with an adequate phone solution system cannot be more emphasized.

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