Impact of Communication Technology on Healthcare Systems

Explosion of technology and the information revolution has greatly impacted our healthcare system for the better. Not just at the level of treating diseases, but the fact that a greater number of people are now inside the healthcare network is a testament to the improved and increasing presence of technology.

In the not so distant past, people still had to physically be available for consulting a doctor but information technology and communication has now made remote patient consulting and tele-medicine common place. The barriers of time & distance are increasingly shrinking in our times and this means that more & more patients can have access to quality healthcare.

Communication technologies are also greatly improving patient experiences; besides improving hospital response times. Response time is critical for emergencies, someone in distress is least likely to be willing (or be happy) if he or she is made to wait endlessly. The role of technology is not just limited to reducing response times but also towards improving overall patient-care experience.

Some of the ways wherein patient-experiences can be improved with better communications & technology are outlined below:
·         Provide call handlers with complete patient information to help them better response or offer advise
·         Send or receive multimedia files such that it is easy for the patient to send investigative reports etc.
·         Call forwarding or remote calling facilities to enable the same consultant to be available for a patient irrespective of his or her location
The advancements in communications have expanded the horizons of consumer expectations are it is imperative that healthcare providers are able to embrace these technologies to better serve their patients.
Communication advancements provide a great opportunity for healthcare providers to build better services & applications for their patients and prospective audience. There is both a need and opportunity for Australian businesses to grow into. Patients are increasingly connected online and there is a great reservoir of audience that healthcare providers can now look to connect with!
Real-time connect with the patients helps provide preventive services, consultation on prevalent health hazards and nutritional information. As healthcare providers work increasingly on the preventive model of healthcare dispensation it is imperative for them to seek real-time patient information. Patients, on the other hand, need to know that the healthcare provider will be available whenever required and that all emergency situations are well-catered to.
Technology also helps create convenience and comfort resulting in an overall better patient experience. With our worlds more interconnected today than they have been ever before there is a greater convergence of the different spheres of our lives. Being able to access medical information on the go, set up doctor appointments, order medicines and consult with doctors remotely are all various facets of the ever increasing patient demands – which healthcare providers can now cater to with advancements in communication technology!

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