How NBN Can Revolutionize Healthcare in Australia?

Australia stands at the cusp of a communication revolution. By creating the largest and most sophisticated broadband network across the country, Australia will become the hub of economic, technologic and social betterment as the impact of the National Broadband Network takes full shape.
While it is no secret, that just about every aspect of our lives will be impacted by the NBN, it is important to note that several of the social infrastructure capabilities stand to gain the most. Advancements in communications are set to revolutionize the healthcare sector as never before, and Australia, with the advent of the NBN-era will stand at the forefront of these changes.
Healthcare is that part of the social infrastructure, which is vital for the growth of the nation. A healthy populace is a precursor to the advancement & growth of any nation. However, the sector has been often been bogged down by the sheer weight of the populace it needs to cater to. Facilities are often outweighed by the number of people. Or the distance at which the facilities are available are beyond the reach of certain sections of the population.
The NBN will be a much required, shot in the arm for the healthcare providers to improve their services and offer a better patient care experience. NBN in Australia will help create a connect with the patients, improve services, create new platforms of service and expand the existing footprint of service. In other words, the NBN will open up a plethora of new opportunities whilst helping existing providers augment their current services. Some of the key areas wherein NBN is likely to improve services include:
·         Patient Connect:
Patients will now have improved platforms to connect with the healthcare services providers. Robust technologies will now enable patients on the farthest end of the spectrum to come into the mainstream and have better access to healthcare services. Healthcare providers will now be able to remain in touch with the patients and thereby prevent various diseases prior to their occurrence.
·         Patient Experience:
No more long queues and waiting times. Connect with the healthcare provider quickly and find better response. Healthcare service providers can now make their platforms more intuitive and patient-centric to ensure patients have a favourable and pleasant experience. Improved PABX systems can now be commonplace, thereby equipping healthcare providers with auto-dialling, auto-response and auto-forward options – each of these can be great tools of improving patient experiences.
·         Patient Handling:
Cater to your patients armed with more data about them, such that you can provide them with more personalized and accurate advice. Personalized services ensure that your patients not only receive the exact care that they need but have a much more favourable outlook towards your service.

Future of Healthcare in Australia

To state that the future of healthcare lies in the further influx of technology is very much stating the obvious. Over the decades of the twentieth century we have seen a great deal of technological advancements in all spheres of human life and this includes the medical, clinical and communication spheres. These advancements combined have greatly enhanced the levels of healthcare practice & delivery across Australia and of course through the rest of the world.
As we are now firmly into the 21st century, the pace of technological advancements is only gather further pace while their percolation into the mainstream hasn’t been more faster ever before. The opening of the first ever fully-integrated digital hospital in Queensland, Australia provides the proof of this, if such a thing was actually required.
Based on the past history and the present scenario, the future of the Australian Healthcare system therefore can be summarized in three parts as seen below:
- Going further & father
Healthcare providers now have the technology to reach the furthest populace. Various options such as - remote patient consulting and telemedicine facilities – have revolutionized the ability of delivering healthcare to the farthest ends of the geographical extremities. Patients can now consult with the doctors, despite being miles away from the clinic. With the use of technology hospitals and healthcare providers are now able to go further than they ever have been to reach that section of the populace which may have thus far been outside its net.
Improving communication facilities have allowed patients the option of being in touch with the hospital in multiple ways. Apps, widgets and social media provide for a whole new concept of patient-doctor relationship.
-       Integrated & Unified approach
As the entire Australian landmass stands at the cusp of being integrated into the National Broadband Network, the opportunities that lie ahead for the healthcare sector are innumerable. Patient data can be integrated and made available on a unified platform. Healthcare provides can access this data whenever there is a patient touch-point and offer better medical advice.
An integrated approach also helps reach patients with the right treatment plans, diagnostic measures and preventive measures. This ensures that the overall patient experience never diminishes.
-       Personalized Care
As more & more people are brought into the National Broadband Network, it allows for healthcare service providers to build personalized health solutions based on specific needs. Healthcare service providers can remain in touch with the patients and monitor their health on a periodic basis without the need for the patients to be visiting the clinic. This allows for service providers to prescribe personalized health care solutions which act as preventive procedures against certain diseases.
Advancements in the sphere of communication will unequivocally revolutionize the Australian healthcare sector, as hereto unseen!

Role of Business Phone Solutions in E-Commerce

For an online consumer, the customer helpline is a number he’d wish not to call – not for any other reason but for the fact that he’s like to have a seamless transition from discovering a product; understanding its features; adding it to the cart; checking out to buy it and then eventually receiving the same. Every customer would wish that however many number of times this cycle is repeated – each of the components work just as well and there are no glitches at all.

However, in the unfortunate but very likely scenario of any of the links of the process falling apart the customer may actually have to pick up the phone and dial in a customer service number, at which point he’s either none-too-happy or at worst is downright incensed.

The phone call that he makes to customer helpline then becomes the make or break event – either he’ll find a solution for whatever went wrong (thereby mitigating the anger and appreciating you for helping him out) or he’d end up being further infuriated and might actually abandon your e-commerce platform for good!

Certainly, the human element plays a great role in ensuring that the customer has a pleasant and profitable experience of having reached out to the contact centre. However, technology, in addition to the human factor, can play an ever greater role in ensuring the customer is not only satisfied but is impressed with the manner of his query being dealt and solutions provided.

Like all customers, and more so those in a less-than-happy mood, the expectation is that when a call is made to a contact centre it is answered promptly. A well-thought and executed PABX solution can go a long way in ensuring that your consumers will never have to wait excessively long in queues or go through an inane number of menu items before handled by the right representative.
In addition to prompt attention, the customer also expects the right attention. Understanding and accurate information being given such that his query is resolved. There is no point in a sales representative answering the phone if the customer is facing an accounting issue. Horses for courses, is the apt approach.

A PABX system helps you automatically divert calls to the relevant personnel and this not only helps the consumer receive the right response it demonstrates the enterprise’s attention to details.

As the caller in question is either a customer or a prospective one, companies are expected to have some level of data available on him or her for the reference of the contact centre representative. Arming the contact centre personnel with relevant customer information can be a great tool of building customer support. When the customer knows that you’re aware of him and his history of purchase/transaction, there is a greater trust factor.

Although, you might be just a small e-commerce enterprise. The benefits to be accrued from a well thought contact-centre with an adequate phone solution system cannot be more emphasized.

Avaya IP Phone Systems – the Best Business Phone Solution for Your E-Commerce Enterprise

The Avaya IP phone systems offers a wide array of options for e-commerce enterprises to stay in touch with their consumers. It is a comprehensive, all-encompassing solution that helps you scale your consumer business without escalating the costs.
In today’s time and age both consumers & employees for a company are scattered in different geographical locations. This requires effective liaison and systems that facilitate seamless communication. Alongside voice, increasingly it is required for systems to be able to share and transmit data – images, videos and multimedia – this implies that an archaic phone system is unlikely to be helpful.
Avaya’s IP phone solutions provide the hardware that gives you the ability to connect all stakeholders on a single platform – your people, your customers, your partners. The business phone solution offers – PABX, VOIP and other technologically advanced features that help you stay ahead of your competition while delivering an excellent customer experience.
Some of the key benefits delivered by the Avaya business phone systems include
·         Cost-effective: Avayabusiness phone systems can help your e-commerce business enterprise improve its communications capabilities without increasing the cost factor. The phone hardware is energy efficient, thereby decreasing monthly maintenance costs as well.
·         Scalability: Scale your communications infrastructure to be able to handle up to 1000 users at a single site. Additionally, this can be achieved without having to replace the current technology.
·         Real-time collaboration: Collaborate with your client, colleagues and other stakeholders via virtual video conference rooms for mobile and desktops.
·         Real-time tracking: Improve your customer interactions with the ability to track, record and report calls in real-time. Also track the location of your sales or service personnel with geo-presence feature.
·         Improved service delivery: By integrating the business phone systems with desktop applications or multi-layered automated attendants and mobility applications deliver an improved level of customer satisfaction.
·         Device Independence: The phone solutions can be integrated with popular smart devices and allow for full desktop communication capabilities ensuring that your employees are available for the customer – anywhere, anytime.
·         Easy to manage: A single interface management from a multiple site and the ease of drag-and-drop features makes the Avayaphone system extremely easy-to-manage for your e-commerce enterprise.
·         Robust & reliable: The system has built in redundancies to ensure that you are always available for your consumer, improving your reliability index.
Overall, the AvayaIP phone solution for small and medium e-commerce enterprises is a perfect fit for you to deliver improved customer satisfaction at no additional cost. Coming with a wide array of features and option, it is a great value for investment.